Problems Babys Develope Due to Mother Using Drugs

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Drugs that meliorate memory



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Drugs that ameliorate memory and ability to concentrate, increase the amount of energy and permit you to piece of work long and effectively, are widely represented past the pharmaceutical industry.

Such medicines are sold in pharmacies and are dispensed either by prescription or without its availability. In any instance, even if you exercise not need to submit a prescription for the purchase of a medicine, yous should not cocky-medicate. Consultation specialist, who takes into account all the characteristics of the human body, and his recommendations for choosing drugs that improve memory - that's the main adviser to which you demand to heed.

Good memory and attention, as well as excellent performance are not a luxury, but the necessary qualities of a modern person. Since we alive in an information society, we demand to remember large amounts of information, which are increasing every day. This applies to schoolchildren and students, center-level managers and senior management personnel, specialists in diverse fields - from medicine, pedagogy, computer technology, construction and finishing with scientific activities and scientific discipline-intensive industries.

To ensure that the attention and memory of a person has always been normal, it is necessary to lead a good for you lifestyle. Showtime of all, y'all demand to accept intendance of the quality of sleep: get to bed on fourth dimension and sleep. In the same manner, on the memory and efficiency depends on a full-fledged nutrition, a positive lifestyle, lack of stress and a balanced lifestyle. Hard physical exercises and regular grooming contribute to the strengthening of the trunk, which means that they raise the level of memorization processes.

Of grade, it is not ever possible to follow the recommendations and regularly take intendance of one'southward own health. The pace of modern life dictates to a person to be in constant tension and concentration to accomplish goals. Very often, fourth dimension is not plenty not merely for quality residuum and relaxation, merely also for a normal, total-fledged sleep. Therefore, taking intendance of one's own wellness goes to the background, which, naturally, affects all processes in the body, including attending, retentivity and efficiency. In some cases, ordinary laziness does not allow a person to make attempts to improve their ain well-being and work efficiency. Undoubtedly, age changes bear upon the cerebral abilities of a person, such as attention and retentiveness.

What to do in such situations, when you can not concentrate at the correct time and concentrate on the chore at mitt? What emergency methods can be used to manage to memorize the necessary amount of information or to adjust the psyche and the organism to the level of efficiency that is needed at a given time?

One of the most well-known ways to positively change the situation is the intake of medicines that affect the level of attending, retentiveness and operation.

trusted-source[1], [2]

Drugs that improve attention and memory

The most famous and effective drugs that improve attention and retentivity are:

  1. Intellan.
  2. Piracetam.
  3. Glycine.
  4. Memoplant.
  5. Vitrum memorial.
  6. Phenotropil.
  7. Tanakan.
  8. Pantogam.

Permit us consider each of the medicines in more detail.

trusted-source[3], [4], [5]


Course release: this drug, improving memory is issued in the form of capsules (20 pieces per pack) or syrup (a bottle with a capacity of 90 ml).


  • in i sheathing contains - an excerpt of leaves of ginkgo biloba (50 mg), excerpt of Centella Asiatic herb extract (120 mg), Herpristis monnierra herb extract (xx mg), coriander seed extract (fifty mg), Amomum (50 mg) extract of the fruit of the embryo drug (110 mg).
  • in 10 ml of syrup contains - a thick extract of leaves of ginkgo biloba (fifty mg), a thick extract of Centella Asiatic grass (100 mg), a thick extract of Herpristis monnierra herb (10 mg), a thick excerpt of the fruits of coriander seed (30 mg), a thick extract of Amomoum fruits styloid (30 mg), a thick extract of the fruits of the embryo drug (40 mg).

Indications for utilise - designed to stimulate brain activity in the post-obit cases:

  • violation of claret circulation in the vessels of the encephalon;
  • deterioration of memory quality and reduced concentration of attention;
  • lowering of intellectual abilities;
  • strong or prolonged stressful situations;
  • asthenic atmospheric condition, psychogenic and neurotic nature;
  • constant nervous and concrete stress, chronic fatigue;
  • depressive and broken-hearted weather of subacute nature;
  • dizziness and tinnitus caused by neurosensory changes;
  • too the drug can be used in circuitous therapy to improve the condition of children with mental retardation.


  • diabetes mellitus type I and II,
  • exudative diathesis,
  • individual intolerance to some or all of the constituents of the drug;
  • is not recommended for pregnant women and mothers during the lactation period,
  • It is forbidden to apply it for children under 3.

Method of application and dosage:

  • adults are immune to take one capsule or 2 teaspoons of syrup twice a twenty-four hours;
  • children from three to 15 years are shown to take a syrup in the amount of ane teaspoon per mean solar day.
  • the drug is taken after a meal.

Side effects:

  • insomnia may occur if the drug is used in the evening before bedtime;
  • in some cases, allergic reactions to the components of the drug are observed.


Form release: this drug, improving memory is produced in ampoules, tablets and capsules.

Composition: active active substance - piracetam.

Indications for utilise:

  • disorders of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain during manifestations of chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency;
  • violation of memory and attention, intellectual processes, spoken communication sphere;
  • the advent of dizziness and headaches;
  • with reduced motor and mental action of patients;
  • at disturbance of emotional-potent-willed sphere of patients (depressions, asthenic conditions, hypochondria);
  • in violation of metabolic processes;
  • reduction of energy reserves of the body;
  • To children of children's historic period the training is shown for acceleration of process of training with the purpose to improve quality of processes of thinking, remembering and reproduction of a material, concentration of attention;
  • in childhood - from ane yr - the drug is used to eliminate the furnishings of perinatal brain injuries, too as oligophrenia, mental retardation and cognitive palsy.

Contraindications: this memory-improving drug tin can not be used in the following cases:

  • severe renal failure in adults;
  • acute renal failure in children, against the background of existing diabetes mellitus;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation menstruum in women;
  • in the presence of allergic reactions to diverse nutrient essences and industrial fruit juices;
  • increased private sensitivity to the agile substance of the drug.

Method of application and dosage:

  • Tablets and capsules are used subsequently eating;
  • the dosage of the drug is prescribed by the dr. in accordance with the age of the patient, besides every bit the main problems that caused memory impairment.

Side effects:

  • sleep disorders in the form of insomnia;
  • the advent of increased irritability or anxiety;
  • exacerbation of middle failure in elderly patients;
  • exacerbation of violations of the gastrointestinal tract in elderly patients.


Form release: this drug, improving memory, is fabricated in the grade of tablets for resorption under the natural language.

Ingredients: agile active substance - glycine.

Event of the drug:

  • glycine refers to the drugs of the metabolic group that bear upon the regulation of metabolism;
  • contributes to the normalization and stimulation of inhibition processes in the central nervous organisation;
  • affects the reduction of mental and emotional stress, every bit well every bit aggressiveness and disharmonize;
  • increases the level of adaptability of a person to social norms, improves social behavior;
  • helps to increase the effectiveness of mental work and stimulates working capacity;
  • improves mood;
  • normalizes bug with falling asleep and dark insomnia;
  • improves the quality of the vascular organization, reduces vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • improves the functioning of the brain and central nervous system after ischemic strokes, craniocerebral trauma, alcoholic drug intoxication.

Indications for utilize:

  • a subtract in the quality of mental efficiency and functioning;
  • being in prolonged and astringent stressful situations;
  • different from the norm types of behavioral reactions in childhood and adolescence, deviant behavior;
  • increased excitability and emotional lability;
  • neurotic states and neuroses;
  • deterioration of sleep quality;
  • memory disorders and worsening of concentration


  • in some cases, there may be increased sensitivity to the agile substance of the drug.

Method of application and dosage:

  • the drug is located nether the tongue and is in the oral cavity until it is completely resorbed;
  • dosage of the drug improving memory is assigned in each instance later consultation with a specialist.

Side effects:

  • the appearance of dissonance in the ears;
  • occurrence of allergic reactions;
  • the appearance of excessive drowsiness.


Form release: this drug, improving memory, is produced in tablets, a homeopathic remedy.

Ingredients: active active ingredient - dry extract of ginkgo leaves bilobate.

Indications for employ:

  • the drug has the ability to improve blood circulation in the brain, equally well equally peripheral apportionment;
  • organic circulatory disorders in the encephalon due to age-related changes;
  • resulting from negative changes in the circulation of retentivity changes, deterioration of the ability to concentrate, a decrease in intellectual abilities;
  • consistently bad mood and negative emotional background;
  • in that location was dizziness and noise in the ears, the appearance of headaches.


  • the presence of erosive gastritis,
  • the presence of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the most astute stage;
  • the phenomenon of hypocoagulation;
  • presence of circulatory disorders of the brain in acute forms;
  • myocardial infarction in acute stage;
  • the age of patients is up to twelve, since the information on the effect of the drug on children have not even so been fully received;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation in the mother, due to insufficient study of the result of the drug;
  • intolerance of the active components of the drug.

Method of application and dosage:

  • the drug is taken without reference to food intake;
  • The tablet should non exist chewed, after ingestion, drinkable a small corporeality of water;
  • dosage is appointed by the attending medico after the consultation.

Side effects:

  • periodically there are allergic manifestations in the form of redness of the skin, skin rash, swelling and itching of the skin;
  • sometimes gastrointestinal dysfunctions occur;
  • the appearance of headache and dizziness;
  • temporary changes in hearing quality;
  • a decrease in the power of the blood to coagulate.

Vitrum memorials

Class release: this drug, improving retentivity, is produced in tablets.

Composition: patented raw materials of institute origin.

Indications for use:

  • a decrease in the quality of attention;
  • deterioration of the processes of remembering and reproducing information;
  • decrease the speed of thinking processes;
  • a significant decrease in intellectual characteristics;
  • a decrease in the quality of hearing, sight and spoken communication, including those caused by age-related features.


  • hypersensitivity to the agile substances of the drug;
  • the phenomenon of hypocoagulation;
  • disturbance of cerebral circulation in acute form;
  • myocardial infarction in acute phase;
  • the presence of peptic ulcer of the tummy and duodenum, as well as erosive gastritis;
  • history of arterial hypotension;
  • pregnancy and the menstruation of breastfeeding in the mother;
  • the historic period of upwards to twelve.

Method of application and dosage:

  • the drug should be drunk within while eating, one tablet twice a twenty-four hours;
  • average duration of handling takes at least three months;
  • repeated courses of treatment are appointed by a specialist.

Side furnishings:

  • phenomena of dyspepsia;
  • occurrence of headaches;
  • the occurrence of allergic reactions on the peel;
  • the appearance of dizziness.


Form release: this drug, improving retention, is produced in tablets.

Ingredients: agile ingredient - phenotropil.

Indications for employ:

  • diseases of the central nervous system of various types, particularly vascular and metabolic;
  • deterioration of the quality of intellectual brain functions and memory processes and attention;
  • a country of neurotic graphic symbol, lethargy and severe burnout of the torso, a decrease in psychomotor activeness;
  • the inability to learn well;
  • Depressive conditions in mild and moderate severity;
  • reduced stress resistance;
  • increasing the effectiveness of human activities in extreme weather condition;
  • correction of daily biorhythms.


  • pregnancy and lactation period, as well every bit children's age due to a small amount of information on the issue of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug;
  • some organic lesions of the kidneys and liver;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis;
  • psychotic conditions in acute grade;
  • history of allergic reactions to nootropic drugs.

Method of application and dosage:

  • is taken immediately afterward a meal;
  • dose of this drug, improving retentiveness, determines the doctor.

Side effects:

  • the advent of insomnia, if the drug is taken later on 15 hours;
  • in the kickoff days of taking the drug observed, swelling of the skin, a awareness of hot flashes, besides as a potent psychomotor agitation;
  • increase in blood force per unit area.


Form release: the drug is fabricated in the course of tablets and a solution for internal use.

Ingredients: active substance - ginkgo biloba.

Indications for utilize:

  • the furnishings of encephalopathies of diverse origins - strokes and craniocerebral injuries in old age, which cause a decrease in attention and retentiveness, thinking processes, too as sleep disorders;
  • state of asthenic nature - psychogenic nature, neurotic depression and the consequences of brain injuries.


  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • catamenia of pregnancy and lactation period.

Method of application and dosage:

  • is taken with a meal in the form of one tablet or one ml of solution, three times a 24-hour interval.

Side effects:

  • in rare cases, the occurrence of gastrointestinal dysfunctions, as well as allergic reactions and headaches.


Form release: this drug, improving memory, is produced in the idea of tablets and syrup.

Ingredients: active ingredient - pantogam.

Indications for utilize:

  • changes in cognitive vessels in childhood and adulthood;
  • organic brain damage in adults and children;
  • hereditary diseases of the nervous system, which affect the quality of attention, memory and operation;
  • mental insufficiency in childhood, which affects the development of cerebral processes and speech.


  • the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • severe degree of renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to drug substances.

Method of application and dosage:

  • the drug is taken orally within fifteen to thirty minutes after eating;
  • dosage of the drug should exist prescribed by a doc.

Side furnishings:

  • allergic manifestations in the class of rhinitis, conjunctivitis or skin rash;
  • the appearance of sleepiness and other sleep disorders;
  • occurrence of noise in the ears.

Drugs that improve memory and operation

Drugs that improve retentiveness, human action in a stimulating style and on the performance of a person. This simultaneous result is due to the complex effect of the components of drugs on brain activity, intellectual abilities and the body as a whole.

Active substances of the preparations positively influence the central and peripheral nervous organization of a person, stimulate cerebral circulation and improve the quality of diet of the brain and nervous system with useful substances and oxygen. Most medicines contain vitamins, microelements and amino acids necessary for the torso. At the same time, the metabolic processes in the body are normalized, the harmful products of vital activity are removed, which positively affects the state of the vessels, fibers and tissues.

Therefore, it is not necessary to give a dissever list of drugs that affect the increase in the effectiveness of human labor and its mental and performance - in this case information technology is worth looking at the section that described in detail the properties of each drug. And after acquaintance with the above backdrop, make a choice of a suitable preparation. In this case, it is necessary to remind you lot for the terminal fourth dimension that before using any medication, including remedies for improving retentiveness and working capacity, information technology is necessary to consult a physician. Since in some cases the medicine yous like may exist admittedly unsuitable considering of contraindications, which just a specialist can diagnose.

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Drugs that improve memory in children

It happens that children, and first of all school children, for many reasons begin to suffer from memory harm. In such cases it is necessary to sympathize the existing problem and find its source. It is possible that normalizing sleep, piece of work and balance regime, feasible physical activities, food quality and psycho-emotional atmosphere at domicile and at schoolhouse, will not resort to using medicines. Merely, information technology happens that the deterioration of the child's condition, including his memory, has gone and so far that without medication therapy it will not be possible to solve the problem.

It is known that not all drugs suitable for improving attention, memory and performance of adults should exist used by children. Most drugs tin can cause irreparable damage to the health of the baby, so it is strongly recommended not to engage in self-medication and "stuff" the child with "proven" ways. Perhaps tablets or capsules, so beautifully approached neighbor or relative, absolutely not suitable for kids and adolescents. Therefore, before going to the chemist's shop, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician who will send parents along with the child to a neuropathologist, a psychoneurologist and / or other narrow specialists. It should as well be noted that drugs that improve memory in children should be used in conjunction with other means to meliorate the health of the child

In this section, we listing the most safety medicines that can be used for children:

  1. Glycine - a drug can be used in infants virtually immediately subsequently birth.
  2. Piracetam - is indicated for use in children from one yr old.
  3. Pantogam - since the birth of the child.

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Drugs that improve retentivity in adults

The well-nigh pop and effective drugs that better retentiveness in adults are presented in the full general list of medicines. It should be noted that at that place is no such thing as medicines that are prescribed only for children to improve retentiveness and other intellectual abilities. The pharmaceutical industry produces drugs that are mandatory for adults, and in gild to utilise the product for children, you must advisedly read the instructions and follow the indicated dosages.

Therefore, in order to get a full understanding of the drugs suitable for adults in order to strengthen the processes of remembering and reproducing data, improving the power to concentrate and improve overall performance, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the previous sections. They described in detail the properties of the drug, which will help solve a particular trouble, as well as indications for utilise, contraindications and observed side effects.

The only nuance is the dosage of the drug and the elapsing of the grade of handling, which are prescribed to patients of young and middle-aged adults, equally well every bit patients of advanced years. In that location are differences in patients of different groups in the above points (dosage and duration of handling). Unremarkably, the prescribed dose of medication is more sparing for elderly patients, and the elapsing of treatment is much longer, including the maintenance dose of the drug during the recovery menstruum subsequently exacerbation of the problem.

trusted-source[10], [xi], [12]

Reviews about drugs that improve retentiveness

Reviews well-nigh retentiveness-improving drugs depend on the individual characteristics of the patients and, therefore, tin non be positive in all cases. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the principal functional or organic disorder that acquired retentiveness changes, likewise as the correctness of the diagnosis and the quality of the prescribed treatment.

  • Intelland

Positive feedback - helps to concentrate and improve the overall psychophysical state, which has a beneficial upshot on increasing the power to retrieve, as well every bit general intellectual abilities.

Negative feedback - there are allergic reactions in the grade of rashes and reddening of the skin.

  • Pyracetam

Positive feedback - increased concentration of attention; the appearance of vivacity and concentration, tides of energy and efficiency; improvement after waking from sleep.

Negative feedback is the advent of a laxative consequence.

  • Glycine

Positive feedback - helps to cope with increased anxiety and frustrated nerves in critical stress situations, for example, during school examinations and during the delivery of the session in higher educational activity institutions; removes psychosomatic manifestations, for example, neuralgia acquired by stress factors; removes excessive irritability; does not have the effect of inhibition, unlike other drugs; has a pleasant gustatory modality.

Negative feedback - some people did not have the proper result of improving retentivity and increasing the power to concentrate.

  • Memoplant

Positive feedback - helps to amend the level of memorization of information, for example, in the session menses for students; coping with the problems of reducing concentration, as well as dizziness, noise in the ears.

Negative feedback - the emergence of headaches equally a consequence of the drug.

  • Vitrum memorials

Positive feedback - the presence of a pregnant amount of the extract of ginkgo biloba, more than than in similar preparations; prolonged action of the drug - the event of the drug for a long menstruation later on the cease of the course of treatment; the appearance of remainder and getting rid of distraction; Supporting the consequence of a stable land of memory and lack of forgetfulness; Amend endurance and get rid of weakness.

Negative reviews - the advent of dizziness; The presence of a rash on the skin after taking the drug, which passes after the form of treatment ends.

  • Phenotropil

Positive feedback - helps to cope with emotional instability, improves mood, has a stimulating result on the overall level of efficiency; improves retention and concentration of attention; normalizes slumber; helps with chronic fatigue.

Negative reviews - the advent of insomnia, also as increased excitability; presence of pare allergic reactions.

  • Tanakan

Positive feedback - improves memory quality; helps to remove migraines; copes with circulatory problems.

Negative feedback - at that place was no expected strong effect of the drug, improving your retentivity.

  • Pantogam

Positive feedback helps to normalize a dark's sleep; improves the country of cognitive processes in children and normalizes other functions of the child's body.

Negative responses - allergic reactions of various types.


To simplify the perception of data, this teaching for use of the drug "Drugs that better retention" translated and presented in a special form on the footing of the official instructions for medical utilize of the drug. Earlier utilize read the annotation that came directly to medicines.

Clarification provided for informational purposes and is non a guide to self-healing. The need for this drug, the purpose of the handling regimen, methods and dose of the drug is determined solely past the attending physician. Self-medication is dangerous for your health.

Translation Disclaimer: The original language of this article is Russian. For the convenience of users of the iLive portal who exercise non speak Russian, this article has been translated into the electric current linguistic communication, but has not however been verified past a native speaker who has the necessary qualifications for this. In this regard, we warn you that the translation of this article may exist incorrect, may contain lexical, syntactic and grammatical errors.


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